To ensure that PT. OKI Pulp & Paper Mills (‘OKI”) supply chain is free from deforestation, we require all of our pulpwood suppliers--both current and potential to comply with Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas’ Forest Conservation Policy (“FCP”) as well as our Fibre Procurement and Purchasing Policy (“FPPP”). The FPPP provides commitment, approach and governance that reflects overarching framework for the specific processes and criteria that we use in evaluating our pulpwood supplier’s compliance with APP’s FCP.
To implement FCP and FPPP commitments, OKI ensures that its pulpwood suppliers have fulfilled the Supplier Evaluation and Risk Assessment (SERA). SERA acts as an initial screening to evaluate the level of risk in the supplier's operations. Meanwhile, for existing suppliers, SERA is part of our annual monitoring and evaluation system. SERA was developed based on the global standard of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) for assessing and evaluating suppliers with 12 assessment indicators. For suppliers who have not met the SERA indicators, OKI will issue a request for corrective action to be fulfilled before they can cooperate or supply wood to OKI. Among the indicators are related to environmental protection, in terms of natural forest, tree species, High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS).
SERA’s 12 (twelve) Indicators
The SERA process includes a 14-day public consultation period that allows stakeholders to provide input on potential suppliers who undergoing this process.