
null Pemanfaatan Air Gambut untuk Mendukung Akses Air Minum Masyarakat dengan Metode Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Pemanfaatan Air Gambut untuk Mendukung Akses Air Minum Masyarakat dengan Metode Reverse Osmosis (RO)


OKI Pulp & Paper Mills (OKI) as a company committed to sustainability aspects, realizes that in order to run operational activities, it is necessary to have a harmonious relationship with the community and stakeholders around its operational area. OKI is actively involved in varioussocial programs for communities around the mill. These social activities include educational programs, economy, environment, and etc. In planning and implementing CSR programs, the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is the basis for conducting social management. SIA is carried out in collaboration with independent external parties to see the impact of the company's operations, potentials and problems that exist around OKI. One of the CSR programs that has become a recommendation at SIA is support of access to drinking water for communities around OKI's operational areas, where there is limited access to clean water.

There is an urgent need for access to clean water because peat water found in the area is unsuitable for drinking. Currently, most residents rely on rainwater for personal hygiene, butits availability is still very limited. To meet their drinking water needs, they must purchase gallons of water from Palembang at a cost of IDR 15,000 per gallon. Recognizing this situation, OKI has taken the initiative to improve access to clean drinking water by facilitating development of a Reverse Osmosis (RO) drinking water management system for communities around OKI. This effort is aligned with APP Sinar Mas’ Sustainability Roadmap Vision 2030 (SRV 2030). This activity also contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals number 6 which focuses on clean water and sanitation.


  • Support improved access to suitable and affordable drinking water for communities around the mill by processing peat water with RO technology
  • Encourage community empowerment through independent community management of drinking water installations, capacity building, technical support, coaching, participation in programs
  • Integrate and encourage multi-party collaboration


This program targets communities in 20 villages around OKI, Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatra. The community around the area, through the drinking water management group, actively participates in the development of the installation through cooperation in identifying the best the location, and constructing and installing the system.


Based on the SIA results, lack of drinking water is a major issue in the surrounding community, where this is also reinforced by the OKI CSR team through both formal and informal public discussions. Support for the provision of drinking water began with piloting at 1 point, in Bukit Batu Village in 2017 and was implemented in stages until 2021 with a total of RO installations running at 20 points in 20 villages along with management support for management groups.

Activities began in 2017, with the construction of 1 RO in Bukit Batu Village and continued with the development of clean water facilities in the following years. In its implementation, OKI mill collaborates with the village authorities, community and partners in training residents to procure and operate RO facilities. In developing RO, the community also contributed to the construction of RO houses. The communitycontributed by working together to prepare the location for RO House, which will later be used for operational activities. In its day-to-day operations, RO is managed in coordination with the village authorities through the RO management group.


The establishment of drinking water facilities has significantly benefitted the community by providing easier and more affordable access to clean drinking water, conveniently located near their homes. This has resulted in significant cost savings for residents, with a per-gallon price of IDR 7,000, notably lower than the IDR 15,000 per gallon water cost of water from Palembang that they used to rely on. Especially during the dry season, many residents purchase RO water, with daily consumption averaging up to 100 gallons. Meanwhile, during the rainy season it reaches 50 gallons per day. RO water gallongs are distributed through local stalls in residential areas, and a considerable number of people also visit the RO facilities to make direct purchases. This initiative has greatly helped the community’s access to affordable drinking water. Up to 2022, OKI has supported the installation of 23 RO systems, achieving the following:







Bukit Batu




Simpang Heran, Bandar Jaya




Bukit batu, Jadi Mulya, Srijaya Baru, Banyu Bitru, Sungai Batang,



Muara Padang




Pangkalan Dami, Nusantara, Margatani, Tirtamulya, Sukamulya



Pesantren Sabilul Hasanah Desa Purwosari




Rantau Karya, Mukti Jaya, Nusakarta Rasau

Jalur Mulya

OKI, Banyuasin



Simpang Tiga Sakti, Tirtaharja

OKI, Banyuasin







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